Step#3: Search/Download, Install Paltalk Classic 11.8 806 (675) and Please while your at it. (please always do a System Restore before attempting any these actions/steps on this Page) Thankyou! “ALERT” DoNot I must say Delete any other folders within that Area other than just PALTALK which will cause Damage to your system. Hit Delete Key on your keyboard on any Highlighed Text says Paltalk and keep Pressing F3 to continue and Deleting alll Traces until completed. Then Click on Edit / Find.Type and Check Mark Click on FIND NEXT. Press Keys WIN+R and Type Regedit, ENTER. Step#2: Double check for any Trace of PALTALK that Maybe still within your Registry Area. Step#1: Uninstall Paltalk Old Version By Using Add/Remove Program // to Remove Paltalk and do a Full Registry Scan To Remove any Hidden Data on your System.

(Keep in mind this may take time to get your heads around this but has worked for Me) (Windows 8/10 Users) I Believe that I have something very inportant to share in how to stop Paltalk 1.17 GA BETA from asking Everyone to upgrade from Older Paltalk Version.