The sales of the games speak for themselves, and I want Sonic to hang around for the next twenty years, not just be a dust cloud that was left behind. Take a moment and really listen to the fans. We don’t want Sonic waving around a sword, we don’t want Shadow shooting a gun, and we want a game that helps us remember and brings back the classic Sonic that everyone knows and loves. I’ve been a fan of the series since its original release back in 1991, and I’m still a die-hard fan till this day. Sonic 06 was meant to celebrate the series 15th anniversary, but instead of ringing in the milestone birthday, it nearly dashed away any remaining goodwill from Sonics initial jump to 3D. Through our complaining and rants, we are still ready to try the next Sonic game, even if it is a bust. It was one of the first and best games to make that transition and Sonic Adventure follows a very similar 2D to 3D conversion process. If youre ranking a list of games from worst to best and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is included, chances are its going to be dead last. If it is one thing Sega can take from all the blunders of their Sonic games, is that they have some of the most loyal fans out there. It’s a great bonus feature for fans to enjoy, and I’d love to see its return. And I’m not saying that young people can’t enjoy 2D Sonic. The gardens are only mentioned but never actually seen in later games. This split in Sonic fans make it harder for Sega to make a good Sonic game that every fan will enjoy, as the fans are usually in totally different age groups, classic Sonic fans are mostly people who are over 20 years old, and modern Sonic fans are younger, usually kids or teenagers.

Training your Chao from birth and raising it so it becomes a karate master is one of the best things ever, and now it’s gone.

Sonic Adventure and especially Sonic Adventure 2 both featured the Chao Garden as a side activity to the story, and it really took shape in Sonic Adventure 2.