Modify the ManifestLocation, InstallLocation, and StagingLocation values in the manifest to point to the new install directory.Move the files from wherever you installed the game to the new drive or directory.Notepad) until you find the one for the game you want to move. In Explorer, go to C:\ProgramData\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher\Data\Manifests and open all of the.Check you didn’t just send it to the tray. You can edit these manifests to change where the launcher looks for the game. These are kept in C:\ProgramData\Epic\EpicGamesLauncher\Data\Manifests and C:\ProgramData\Epic\UnrealEngineLauncher. The Epic Games launcher stores information about the games you have installed in manifest files. This is an error-prone and messy approach and you don’t need to do it. Unfortunately, all of the advice I’ve found so far is basically to move the game files somewhere, re-install the game from within the Epic Games Launcher, pause or cancel the install, copy the game files into the target location, then resume the install or verify the game files.

I installed a bunch of games when I first built my new workstation, before I built a VROC RAID0 of M.2 NVMe SSDs, and wanted to move all of the games to the new large and fast storage array. A lot of folks on the net seem to be interested in moving games from the Epic Games store from one drive to another, usually because they’re running out of space on their disk or they want to move the game to faster storage.